heh, how should i even begin writing something? its all heh, heh this, ehh that, hehh those, i dont really know, i were never a writer, nor anything really, im just a random guy stumbling around the place, even if that wouldnt be correct. i guess i just exist, im a collection of atoms that does things and makes noises, im just a meat sack, a fleshbag or something, even if i dont really feel like it, doesnt matter, im already spiraling away from what i want to say heh? i really am not a writer. i guess ill start from what im not heh? im not a writer, thats one thing, im not an artist either, i hate artists, but we'll get to that, im not smart either, in fact im very much retarded, a lot. im not special, then again no one is, im not a programmer, in fact im throwing shit trying to understand all of this, even if HTML is supposed to be easy, i dont get it, theres a lot of things i dont get, but then again, we'll get to that. im not a believer, not a religion really, just in things, i guess im just not an optimist anymore, im not creative, hell you seen this place? im not a good person, or a bad person really, i think. im just neutral, or id like to believe i am, i have no idea about myself really. im not young anymore yet i dont feel like calling myself old, then again, does anyone really? i dont know, i dont talk to people, i dont really like talking to people, i guess i did find something that i am in the end heh, it took a while to filter out all the things that im not, i can say that im a loner, i just like the silence i guess, people are complicated and hard, they make me nervous and all that, i guess we got something down heh? but being a loner doesnt explain an entire person, so what else? i guess i like music, oh music, no. i should make another page entirely dedicated to that. or else i will never stop sperging about it. im not a musician. hell no i suck, my music sucks shit, i dont have what it takes to be one.

Second subdivision

Third subdivision